Donations (total): 913 DKK  by:

Where: Camburi, Ubatuba - SP, Brazil
We are three friends with the shared ambition to generate a positive and sustainable social impact through our projects. In cooperation with Sven Mouton, a Belgian architect and urban planner specialised in bamboo constructions and co-founder of Bamboostic (www. we are launching a humanitarian and ecological project with the people of Camburi, a coastal village in the Ubatuba region on the border between the states of São Paolo and Rio de Janeiro.

Bamboostic was created in 2004 by a team of volunteers in Camburi, a small village located in the national park of Serra Do Mar, in the middle of the Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica) of the South of Brazil. Due to harsh restrictions on Agriculture and fishing enforced by local environmental legislations in 1977, the village lost it's core sources of income and the population is still facing severe poverty today.

Since 2004, in cooperation with the national park, Bamboostic has been training the locals in bamboo construction and tourism to generate new sources of income, while at the same time respecting the existing environmental legislation.

Today, the very lively and driven community of Camburi needs new buildings, such as a community bakery, which can help the women of the village to generate additional sources of income, or new classrooms for the existing school which haven’t been completed due to a lack of funds.

The first phase of our project will take place from September 5th until October 6th 2016. Somewhat of a feasibility trip, we will consult the people about their needs through community design workshops, hopefully highlighting and drawing from the wider community, other skills and competencies which can contribute to the project. We will also get a basic training in bamboo construction and feeling of the cultural and climatic challenges. Study the availability of different accessable local materials, carry out material tests and get and understanding of costs and come up with a budget for the project phase. Meanwhile, together with the community, we will start up the design of the project. We will then return home with all the information needed to send our funding applications to several public funders who will help us with the next phase of the project : its construction !

But before we leave for Camburi, we will need your help ! As our public funders aren’t able to finance our personal expenses for this first phase, we have launched this crowdfunding campaign.

Hereby, we would like to gather 4000€ for the whole team. The collected sum will be used to cover our travel costs and visas as well as our living expenses in Brazil. We will be living in with the people of Camburi and will thereby share in the costs of the household as well. Any extra budget collected will be transferred to the next phase of the project.
Matthew / Reintje / Anais
Matthew / Reintje / Anais Posted: 23-07-2016 17:53
A big thank you to Finanforbundet for their donation to our case. And to everyone who has shown interest and supported our project...WE HAVE REACHED around 75% of our required funding for our feasibility and research trip in September. Thanks again and please keep sharing! Mathhew Peace ;)...

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Matthew / Reintje / Anais
Received (total)
913 DKK
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