Adama's Story
Donations (total): 100 DKK  by:

Where: Goderich, Sierra Leone
Adama is 6 years old and she is staying with her grandfather. Her biological parents were killed in the Eleven year civil rebel-war in Sierra Leone. Her grandfather is now 60 years old and cannot send her to school, so every day she idles in the community from place to place, seeking to learn.
We are of course raising money for her further education!

Remember: if don't feel like you can provide help through donations remember that LIKEing, SHARING and writing to Adama is an amazing way to show your support and kindness towards this girl.
Toni Posted: 2/22/2016 6:39 PM
Adama is the best in her class. She made outstanding marks last term and is very bold and courageous in the conversations we have. The last time I skyped with the kids, they sang a song they had written to me called "We Love You Toni"; Adama lead the group in the chant and has never been afraid to stand out and take charge. We are so lucky to have your support for her! She's going to have an amazing term, we're trying to get her a scholarship to travel and study after showing such exceptional promise! If the donors would like to skype with her, I can set that up in a heartbeat! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and the top of my mind. TLC...
CommonCollection Posted: 2/22/2016 12:09 PM
Dear Tony Sometimes givers at CommonCollection forget to inform us about which case they want to support. Also sometimes people wanting to give their best ask us to choose whom to give to. We decided to support Adama and help her to be able to go to school. Very best regards CommonCollection Support......

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