Transitional shelter in Nepal after earthquake
Donations (total):
334 DKK
Studio Jakob Kvist
Most of you might already have heard about the recent earthquake that hit Nepal. Countless homes were destroyed and lives lost. The rebuilding effort is going to take years and a lot of effort. Kathmandu the capital was badly hit but the worse off were the villages around Kathmandu. A huge discrepancy exists between the city dwellers and the villagers in terms of wealth and resources. That's why I am putting together a team to help the villages around kathmandu put up transitional shelters. The concept of a transitional shelter (chapri in Nepali) is not new. All we're trying to do is initiate the building process and motivate them a bit.
We will be using only the materials salvaged from the house. This can be restrictive in some ways but it's something we want to see through right to the end. It's about demonstrating that the materials are already there, we just need to use it. Another reason is that we would rather spend on local labour than materials. The design will have some basic underlying principles but it calls for a lot of improvisation and every shelter will look different.
The building process follows 3 steps
1- Identify and contact vulnerable families
First vulnerable families are identified. This can be through recommendations or data collected by the local authorities. They shall include poor families whose male members are deceased or missing. They are contacted and a date set for work to begin.
2- Groundwork before work begins
Families are instructed to hire 2 local workers for 2 days whose wages shall be covered by us. They are expected to salvage their own timber and stones/bricks which will be used for building the shelter.
3- Build Shelter
We will go to site on the given date and provide instructions to the workers. The shelter shall make use of the timber, stone/bricks, corrugated metal sheets/slate, window and door salvaged from the rubble of their old house.
We have calculated the cost per shelter to be around 5000 rupees (50 $ / 45 €). Most of it goes to pay the workers hired for two days. The team member gets a day's allowance to cover his travel expense and lunch. Add to that a set of tools like hammer, saw, nails and metal wire. Please contact me if you want to join the team. You will be accompanying someone on your first trip and then the next time set off on your own.
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Posted: 3/11/2016 3:05 AM
We did 5 more shelters. Here's one of them (
click here)
Studio Jakob Kvist
Posted: 6/16/2015 9:10 PM
Brilliant idea, looking very much forward to following this project! ...
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